Prison and Probation Staff
We will provide two free packs per prison learning and education departments, per year, on request.
Prison staff can order additional copies at £12.50 pack, or £10 per pack for over 10 packs.
Packs are free to ex-prisoners applying direct or through the prison.
We also have free ‘self-employment’ posters which encourage prisoners to think about being their own boss.
Generic self-employment leaflet
This is ideal for prisoners who might benefit from going self-employed on release.
Escape Route leaflet
Generic self-employment poster
You can put this poster on your walls, noticeboard or information screen to remind prisoners that self-employment is an alternative to job-seeking. It contains a space to direct prisoners to your education or training department.
Escape Route Poster
Please let us know if you are using these resources. It would help us greatly.